Les ajouts du nouveau firmware (traduit a l'arrach par wordlingo):
01. Audio player household duties while seeing, trillion those [ha_ki_lo] seek of the mammary gland [li] wool cone, previously/next music skip the problematic amendment which does not become
02. The atlas amendment where the household duties window floats with the musical remaking hour automatic which is household duties
03. Household duties hour household duties grudge which it sees to decrease and in order to ascend, amendment
04. Household duties with hour mammary gland [li] wool cone which it sees seek the problematic amendment which does not become
05. North the full screen it sees the addition (with Back Key operation) which
06. Slide show random remaking functional addition (with Center key sequential/random selection)
07. That it eliminates the file some dog from the file elimination hour elimination confirmation window, the message window the functional addition which it leaves space
08. With the mammary gland remote control LCD On/Off functional additions (sound recording height - boy [su] [ley] coder exclusion)
09. LCD OFF:00 trillion those buttons periodic the turn signal functional addition
10. From the video player it stands still with the radio [li] wool cone/break hour five the problematic amendment which is operated
11. In order while background screen setting the white character screen the use hour clock and date to be visible, amendment
12. With the mammary gland [li] wool cone while remaking the actual condition amendment where the break hour icon fringe land operates late
Bon bah en effet ca parte du stick et ptet d'un mode random.....
1.2.0 qtopia
01. Keyboard automatic the time when it hides from 5 seconds 10 middle aged fringe lands
02. Video player error recovery mode addition
03. Video player TV-OUT:00 caption problematic improvement
04. OGM format video supports
05. The font data fringe land for an office [pyu] [e] Japanese support
06. In compliance with the memory over floor in office [pyu] [e] file loading [thwing] the chaff the actual condition improvement which comes out
07. DAB radio broadcast slide show functional additions
08. Reel [lu] [theyn] DRM these sense file confirmations in order to be possible, amendment
09. FM radio start hours [phek] noise problematic improvement
10. FM radio Preset buttons on/off:00 the problematic amendment where channel eliminations do not become
11. FM radio Preset buttons on/off:00 the problematic amendment where channel up/down do not become
12. DIM or after NAVI executing after executing ends DMB from the condition where Backlight Off are applied and when, the actual condition amendment which DIM or Backlight Off becomes
donc en gros devrait plus gaufrer sur les video et ajoute le support ogm pour la video
le firmware non beta pour le firmware qtopia, est un ipk donc une MAJ - attention pour la stabilite, if faut faire une recovery et non une maj lors de l'installation du firmware qtopia 1.1.3 (first beta) sinon ca plante sous l'os.... voila
la 1.1.6 (second beta) est une maj ipk pour qtopia donc installer la 1.1.3 et apres la 1.2.0 (a priori non beta)
(la je decompresse le firmware qtopia avec 7zip et ai trouve les ipk independants, vais essayer de les installer sur le firmware actuel sous qtopia :p ### resultat: la moitie de l'ecran est en video inversse
le firmware 1.2.0 a priori a plus de nag screen mais tjs le serial a rentrer donc limite ou pas ???###)